Saturday, March 13, 2010


The weather is just beginning to turn into something I'd call tolerable. The breeze brings with it a coolness that had recently been nothing but a thought. It may soon be time for oatmeal!

I have recently begun to look into finding local craft and produce markets. Last week Troy and I went into the city to the Market on Eagle Street. It was rather small, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. We picked up some homemade curry paste and enjoyed cooking some of that up.

This weekend we hit the jackpot. The West End Market is a bit of a further walk but it was gratifying. It didn't look like much from afar, but as we neared I could see why so many people were gathering. There were so many stalls of fresh fruit and veg at such reasonable prices. There were bags of spices, freshly made foods, and a variety of fruit of vegetables that are tricky to find in Coles or Woolies (maybe I don't look hard enough). The fruits actually gave off their natural aroma and apples weren't the size of a giant's fist. I believe West End markets is going to be a staple for Saturday mornings.

I'm thinking of trying a key lime pie recipe I've found using the beautiful limes found at the market.