Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Here's to the New Year

For the last few years I have purposefully tried not to make resolutions. I know myself too well in that I know that I'll never follow through. But this year, considering my advancing age, that a change in lifestyle is needed. Therefore I am putting forward a number of goals I'd like to achieve.

1. Know what I eat
I have recently started counting calories. In the past I never looked at the caloric content, believing that if I never saw the amount of calories...they didn't count. And that if I ate something naughty when no one else was around...it didn't count. Knowing what I eat is allowing me to choosing healthier options, from what I put in my cart at the grocery store to what I put in my mouth.

2. Try to avoid processed foods and foods with preservatives.
This leads to mostly avoiding the filler aisles in the grocery shop and basically just shopping in the perimeter. I am trying to bake all the bikkies and sweets that I'd like to eat and buying bread fresh from the bakery.

3. Finally complete the Couch to 5k
I've known about the couch to 5k program since I was in uni for my first degree. I have never completed the program. Running has never really been my thing. I am not the graceful antelope type girl running on the treadmill. I'm the struggling lump of a person, propelling my body forward in a most awkward fashion. I'd like to enjoy jogging as I cannot swim (both my arms dislocate!) and don't have a road bike for biking.

4. Be kind to my skin
So I am one of those people blessed with clear, non sensitive skin. My brother went through those horrible years of prescription acne medication with my mom yelling at him to remember to use it. I don't get heat rashes or suffer from pimples. But, I don't really moisturize and treat my skin right. My lack of sunscreen has led to sun freckles (much to my mother's horror...she sends me whitening cream) and so I am determined to be kinder to my skin. Daily moisturizer here I come. (My skin may also be kind to me because I don't wear make up).

I hope I reach these goals!

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